After you fill up form, you will get on your register email link to confirm registration. After you click on link from your email, you can sign in with your mail and password from register form.
You need do research to check is seller trustworthy. First step is to check is that user have "Verified User" badge on his dog scouting profile . If he have that badge, it means that the seller has authentic data, i.e. that the one who presents himself here has true data.
If seller is a Kennel, check his rating on google.You can send us a complaint to and we will consider it to un-badge that user or ban him from the site.
There is couple a ways to check is your info authentic:
- check your Dog Scouting info match with your website
- check Kennel or company database match with your info on Dog Scouting
- check your id number
- video call
Check if your package purchase completed. You can check on this link:
If it is mark as "completed", try to go on your ad list:
and promote or bump up your ad based on the package you purchased. If you still have problem, contact us on our contact page:
You have also possibilities to ask any question on our chat platform, just click on chat icon positioned on bottom-right corner to start.